A mole! A mole in our midst! I was, in the end, found out by some of my closer acquaintences here and the only reproach I received came in phrasings as damning as: "Yeah, I mean, it's all true." Heh.
But back to current events: We have a new boss! Huzzah! The White Whale continues to cling with his sets of teeth-guanxi to whatever he can as he sinks, bitterly and surprisingly solemnly into the briny deep (recently found out, his previous job before this one?: running some other nightlife-related mag into the ground; oh fer two, ouch!) and this new guy, Klamm, the new Boss, he has effectively stepped into a situation not unlike the situation America has been facing now that a certain W. has all been put out to pasture, politically.
Though many, many forces unseen went into chosing our newest Immediate Overlord, and I'll be damned if I were to ever bet on finding out who this new guy actually is, where he came from, what experience he has, and what his actual plans are for all of... well, this.
More and more pointless, Tower of Babel-esque meetings later, and it's beginning to look like an opportunity for fortuitious change and what little chance there was to turn a decaying, smoldering brand back into its mint-y, shiny self has all but circled round the plug hole for the last time. Man, oh man! is the force strong with the more guanxied around here... The problem is, most of the ones I casually refer to as the "rotten ones" with select co-workers, they're in charge of the departments that are directly responsible for making a print mag work as a business/enterprise and tangible, attractice/aesthetically-pleasing physical object.
The Way Things Are Done here, not just in this country, but in this company, would truly just baffle a lot of the people reading this. Yes: you there. I can't tell you how many times people who read the magazine feel the need to criticize everything wrong that the people on the inside already know and are constantly trying to battle with, trying to correct things for the better. But...
...to recap my State of Being for all my time spent here so far:
-A (likely) misguided sense of Hope became participation in a Comedy
-This Comedy quickly became a series of Absurdities
-The laughter has since slowly (and painfully) come to fade, and Absurdity has become Farce
-Now, at present, this (that's?) Farce is becoming Futility
In fairness to a recently renewed sense of Perspective and (as-close-to)Objectivity(-as-humanly-possible), and to quote T.S. Eliot...
But to brighten things up...!
A quick impression of what it's like to ask one of the "associative" editors in charge of ensuring payment to freelancers... for confirmation of payment!
Dog 1: But the White Whale has told me not to pay.
Dog 2: ...
Seriously. A payment slip should accompany payment, UNLESS there's fishy business going on. It's easy to get away with things when no record is given.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSeriously. A payment slip should accompany payment, UNLESS there's fishy business going on. It's easy to get away with things when no record is given.There's really not much I can say... Most anybody can put up with a toxic work environment if it means getting a paycheck at the end of the month. When even that can't be handled properly... then yeah...